Extra Care

Puppies demand extra care, particularly in a daycare environment. It is neither physically nor mentally safe to place a puppy into a standard daycare setting. We have adjusted our format to accommodate those who wish their dogs to be exposed to the daycare world or for those unable to take time off work after acquiring their puppy and prefer not to leave them home alone.

At The Nursery

Similar to human babies, puppies require significantly more rest, increased 1-on-1 attention, a consistent routine, and a secure space to foster positive associations and experiences with their surroundings. For puppies under 6 months, we recommend only TWO half days per week. Nursery is available Monday - Thursday.

Their daily routine alternates between our Nursery and short bursts of Daycare time with a calm group of dogs, allowing them to explore safely. Nursery time incorporates ample rest, lick mats, Kongs, or soft toys. Puppies have a dedicated team member to supervise them around the clock, assist with toilet breaks, and organise their lunches. The Nursery, a temperature-controlled, quiet environment, provides a safe space for puppies when their owners are away.

Nursery FAQs

When is the Nursery available?

The Nursery is available up to 4 days per week for those requiring care for their puppies. Monday to Thursdays.

How often can my puppy attend the Nursery?

For puppies under 6 months, we recommend only TWO half days per week, however we can accomodate Monday - Thursday

Will my puppy get socialised with older dogs?

Their daily routine alternates between our Nursery and short bursts of Daycare time with a calm group of dogs, allowing them to explore safely.

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Pupper Love